LATIN CUP 2008 – Arelauquen Lodge – Argentina
Poker: The revelation
Sunday afternoon was time for another classic. The Poker tournament Texas Hold Em, this time sponsored by SMC and presented by the wholesaler “Pipo Freitag” of Solution Box, who we wish to thank very specially for his participation.
After more than 2 hours and an unprecedented participation of 28 players, both veterans and amateurs, the vets were starting to dominate the finale.
One after another participants began to leave the table, and a winner was soon to stand out.
With a startling and lucid mind the rookie Andre Miranda and the new player Jackie Lin were heading to the Heads-Up.
Both had the same amount of chips, both the same possibilities of winning the first prize.
Both played impeccably, strategically arriving in three opportunities to ALL IN.
Finally Jackie Lin was declared the unquestionable winner of the Tournament Texas Hold Em, leaving Andre as a brilliant and promising second best in his debut in poker.
Congrats dear Jackie, CHAMPION OF THE TEXAS LATIN CUP 2008!!!
Tony, en la mesa final quería algo de suspenso
para ver la ultima carta
Sin dudas aquí el flamante finalista del Torneo
de Poker, André Miranda
Mary Grace Ball concentrada en el juego
Nelly Osorio festeja junto a Héctor Gájer
la performance de Jackie Lin
Ricardo Ramirez juega el torneo de pool
bajo la atenta mirada de Juan y Nelly
Jackie Lin “Campeona del Texas Hold Em
LatinCup 2008”
First Prize – 32′ SOYO LCD Monitor .